Relaxing ≠ Doing Nothing

It seems there’s a lot of pressure to relax in a certain way — by doing nothing. Some of us truly do relax best when we simply “veg out.” Sit on the couch, scroll on our phones, watch a mind-numbing show… you name it. But that’s not the only way, and sometimes not the best way, either, to relax!

The desire to relax, for most people, comes from a desire to have a break from the daily hustle and bustle of life. This is why our first resort is to do something totally mindless and effortless. But I’m sure you’ve found yourself still feeling stressed, anxious, or tensed up even after spending hours watching Netflix.

Sometimes, what we really need is to relax by doing something. Not just any “something,” though, but something we enjoy, something that fuels us!

Relaxation doesn’t have to be a lack of activities, busyness, or plans. It can be a scheduled time or day where you actively choose to do something. The key is that the choice you make has to be something that adds joy and energy to your life and yourself.

Netflix might not be energizing on a Saturday afternoon. What we really want might be to bake something delicious, and enjoy the product of our hard work! That can be relaxing!

I personally love to dance or workout. Even though these things take a lot of my physical energy and keep me busy, they bring me joy, fill me with mental energy, and help me feel better and less tense.

So the next time you feel like you need a break, try doing one of those activities you often put aside due to work, school, or other things that get in the way. You might find that spending your time doing the things you enjoy will relax you more than what we often picture when we think of “relaxation”!


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